Expansion News!

April 3, 2017
Expansion News!

One of the most exciting developments at Applied Art in 2016 was the christening of our treehouse studio space. Being able to offer shoots using not only natural light but also natural moonlight, which helped us revolu­tionize the video industry yet again. And being able to offer meeting space for Stargazers & Cats on the Prairie was a bonus. Cuddling our prairie living felines has provided more than a little stress relief therapy. 

Alas, the pesky windstorm that blew through town on March 6th decimated our beloved studio in the sky. We went through several stages of grieving, most of which involved locally brewed craft beer, more cat snuggles and daily allergy shots.* There were some dark days, but we’ve emerged stronger.

Treehouse 2.0

Construction on Treehouse 2.0 has begun! While the cats enjoy prairie life, a crew has started building our new studio space. This state of the art structure will feature touchscreen bathrooms, a full 360° studio (so we can shoot in all of the degrees), cat nip garden, a moat, a rolling sound booth, a full-service 17K edit suite (in order to edit in all of the Ks) and lasers. 

Projected completion date is February 29, 2019. Keep an eye out for your invitation to the unveiling! 

*No cats were injured in this process.