We’re growing!
April 1, 2016

Check out our awesome new studio in the sky.
Maybe it’s not part of the whole “tiny home” movement, but it’s a start right?
With the consistent need for additional studio space at Applied Art, we’ve finally decided to make one of our long term dreams a reality. We built a treehouse!
Oh, this isn’t a typical treehouse, it’s a 1500 sq. ft. “studio” in the sky. Fully equipped with bridges, ladders, green room, multiple TV screens, wifi, drop down developer bunks, a fully stocked bar, and a restroom.
The highlight of the new studio is a 1000 sg.ft..soundstage that boasts an impressive 200 sq ft. “open air” retractable roof that gives us not only natural sunlight, but also moonlight. And, in perfect conditions we can shoot by starlight, which gives us the flexibility to bring a whole new look and feel to our work.
Our new Director of Photography, and the visionary behind the concept, Magnus McDouglelson, of Finland, credits this new “star-vision” treehouse studio as a real “game changer.” “I feel that starlight is the most precious of all light and I’m able to bring a whole new texture to my art. In fact, our open concept studio not only challenges me professionally, but also challenges my clients to really open their eyes…or squint really hard, to drink in the beauty and soft darkness of a moonlight or starlight night shoot.”
After several shoots, Magnus realized there might be a tiny flaw in the open air studio concept and it was more of a challenge than he first realized. “You see, the light in Finland is very different than in Iowa, and I was expecting a different result. We ended up bringing lights up to the star-vision studio to augment the darkness. It was still nice to be shooting under the stars while enjoying the night air.”
Ultimately we decided that our soundstage really is the best environment for shooting, so “Studio B” was turned into a conference room. It was cool for awhile, but due to several employees suffering allergy issues, and a constant stream of squirrels disrupting client meetings, we decided maybe it could be better used by someone else.
“I was shocked when they approached us” said Zucker Dippleman III, President and Spokesman for StarGazers and Cats on the Prairie, a non-profit group focused on all things stars…and cats. “The donation of the treehouse from Applied Art & Technology was incredibly generous and very much appreciated. Our membership has increased by over 100% in only 2 months. Now instead of 4 members plus our cat Venus, we have seven. And Venus is having kittens! This is the perfect place for our StarGazers, and the cat loves it. Thank-You Applied Art!”
We wish Mr. Dippleman, The StarGazers, and Venus, the best of luck in their new club house.
And as for Magnus, we’ve heard he is healthy and happy, and enjoying his new life living in a giant spruce tree in Northern Finland.
Meanwhile, if you ever need a soundproof and “dark” place to shoot your next project, give us a ring. Stars not included
Applied Art & Technology, For the real story, check out http://www.appliedart.com.