What to Wear for the VR Revolution
April 3, 2017

Henry Ford said “You can have any color you want as long as it’s black.”
There is one huge problem with the coming VR revolution. No style. Just look at them. All bulky and only available in black. Who designed these things?
Now you can be ready for the next big thing. Applied Art & Technology has teamed up with some of the most talented midcoast designers to bring you
a unique line of custom designer headset wear. We call it VR/Bling.
Express your personality. One look at you in your VR/Bling designed headwear and people will instantly know that you possess an uncommon sense of style.
Take a look at our new line and we know you’ll agree.
People will hardly notice you’re wearing a VR headset with our Princess Kate line. Oculus Rift only.
No matter what you think about the new president you have to admit that he is never boring. Now you can VR in style like Donald Trump, with our un-official Mr. President VR first class package. Available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
Check Out our Star Wars themed line.
The Force is strong with that one. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
You won’t need Obi-Wan Kenobi’s help when you show up wearing the Princess Leia. Oculus Rift only.
But wait — there’s more.
VR/Bling from Applied Art & Technology. Your guide to the tech fashion world.
Visit our online store to get you yours. While supplies last.